The MI5 was founded and created by Da363bomb. A cooperation striving for success and defending England. If you have any enquires please contact us at the MI5 base at

Job Applications

Current Job Seeking: Head Of Trainers/Spy/Security:

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Why You Should Be The Head Of Trainers:

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Why You Should Be The Head Of Security:

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(Please Apply By Commenting)

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Why You Should Be The Head Of Spys:

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  1. Current Job Seeking: Head Of Trainers/Spy/Security:

    Habbo Name: Dariuk

    Date Joined Habbo: 11/08/2009

    Why You Should Be The Head Of Trainers: I strongy believe I should be given the position of Head of Trainers because I have extended skill and experience in training from previous jobs/militaries. I am familiar with all commands as well as being a fast typer which will definitely be useful in swift and effective training. I was a Director of Training in CSI Room Control: Gabbana and I did a very good job in balancing amount of trainers with other branches such as security and intelligence. I believe Training is the most important branch and I should definitely be the one responsible for its success.

    What Qualities Do You Have: I am very trustworthy, loyal and intelligent. I have common sense and am very good at detecting who is a fit trainer. I will make my trainers to be the best they can be and make sure script is constantly up-to date. All of this demonstrates my hard work and dedication to the success of my unit.

    Any Other Details: Live in Australia (AEST) I am quite active.
